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Bright Ideas Level 4 Pack (Class Book and app)

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Bright Ideas Level 4 Pack (Class Book and app)

Niveau d'anglais minimum : A1

29,95 € 28,45 € TTC
Bientôt disponible

Le contenu

  • Enquiry-based method of learning encourages the development of communication, critical thinking, creativity and collaboration.
  • Online gaming concepts and a fun blogging-style layout stimulates the imaginations of your students and encourages them to actively engage with ideas in a meaningful context.
  • Extensive exam preparation activities and materials with embedded Cambridge English Qualifications syllabus ensures pupils are fully prepared for exams.
  • Flexible and comprehensive digital package provides you with rich video content, story animations, and an interactive Classroom Presentation Tool for heads-up lessons that help you get the most out of your class.
  • Online practice (for levels 1-6) offers students downloadable games and activities and motivates them to connect with English outside the classroom.

The comprehensive package of integrated print and digital resources challenges traditional methods of learning with exciting new resources and activities that are adaptable to all teaching situations.