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Bright Ideas Level 3 Activity Book with Online Practice

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Bright Ideas Level 3 Activity Book with Online Practice

Niveau d'anglais minimum : A1

32,95 € 31,30 € TTC
Expédié sous 24h

Le contenu

  • Activity Book provides carefully scaffolded writing activities and even more reading texts so that students can put the language they learn into practice
  • Online Practice motivates students to connect with English outside the classroom through interactive tasks and activities.
  • Progress tracking and automatic marking saves you time and enables you to get the most out of your class.

Bright Ideas uses an enquiry-based approach in order to tap into children's natural curiosity and get them more involved in their own learning. This persuades them to ask their own questions and find their own answers.

Every unit asks students a 'Big Question'. This gets students thinking about the subjects they know and love, such as family, school, and music. As they move through the content in each unit, they are provided with the skills and language necessary to answer the unit's 'Big Question' whilst having fun! This is followed by a 'Big Poll Question' which prompts students to think about the topic on a more personal and evaluative level.