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Navigate A1 Beginner Teacher's Guide with Teacher's Support and Resource Disc

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Navigate A1 Beginner Teacher's Guide with Teacher's Support and Resource Disc

Auteur : Catherine Walter

Niveau d'anglais minimum : A1

94,95 € TTC
Bientôt disponible

Le contenu

Navigate combines information-rich topics, state-of-the-art-methodology, and a modern blended package to provide the complete course for the 21st century adult and young adult learner.Navigate combines information-rich topics, state-of-the-art-methodology, and a modern blended package to provide the complete course for the 21st century adult and young adult learner.

The Teacher's Guide and Teacher's Support and Resource Disc Pack is a complete support package for teachers. It is designed for both experienced and new teachers and offers a wealth of resources to supplement lessons with Navigate.