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Basket of Deplorables

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Basket of Deplorables

Auteur : Tom Rachman

Niveau d'anglais minimum : B2

14,40 € TTC
Bientôt disponible

Le contenu

This is a short satirical linked stories on the reaction to Trump, the hypocrisies of liberalism and living in a post-truth America. 

What follows is a series of witty, cutting, addictive tales of Trump times, portraying Democrats and Republicans in a divided America, from powerful to powerless, angry to thwarted, from a Starbucks barista who dreams of making it on the stage, to a couple whose online date goes bitterly awry, to a charmingly wicked U.S. businessman living undercover in rural Italy. 

Correspondant de l'Associated Press, Tom Rachman fait le tour du monde, avant d'entrer en 2006 à la rédaction de l'International Herald Tribune à Paris.