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To Kill the President

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To Kill the President

Auteur : Sam Bourne

Niveau d'anglais minimum : B2

12,45 € TTC
Bientôt disponible

Le contenu

The United States has elected a volatile demagogue as president, backed by his ruthless chief strategist, Crawford ‘Mac’ McNamara.When a war of words with the North Korean regime spirals out of control and the President comes perilously close to launching a nuclear attack, it's clear someone has to act, or the world will be reduced to ashes.Soon Maggie Costello, a seasoned Washington operator and stubbornly principled, discovers an inside plot to kill the President – and faces the ultimate moral dilemma. Should she save the President and leave the free world at the mercy of an increasingly crazed would-be tyrant – or commit treason against her Commander in Chief and risk plunging the country into a civil war?

Le saviez-vous, Sam Bourne est le pseudonyme du journaliste britannique, Jonathan Freedland qu'il utilise pour faire la distinction entre son travail d'écrivain et de journaliste?