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Oxford Bookworms Library Level 6: The Joy Luck Club

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Oxford Bookworms Library Level 6: The Joy Luck Club

Auteur : Amy Tan Retold by Clare West

Niveau d'anglais minimum : B2

16,95 € TTC
Bientôt disponible

Le contenu

There are so many things that a mother wishes to teach her daughter. How to lose your innocence but not your hope. How to keep hoping, when hope is your only joy. How to laugh for ever. This is the story of four mothers and their daughters - Chinese- American women, the mothers born in China, and the daughters in America. Through their eyes we see life in pre-Revolutionary China, and life in downtown San Francisco; women struggling to find a cultural identity that can include a past and a future half a world apart.

Avec ce "reader" et son CD, le lecteur d'un bon niveau gagnera encore en confiance dans sa capacité à lire et écouter de l'anglais. Il enrichira son vocabulaire tout en enrichissant sa connaissance d'événements importants de l'histoire contemporaine.