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Navigate A1-C1 (series)

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Navigate A1-C1 (series)

0,12 € TTC
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Le contenu

Navigate combines information-rich topics, state-of-the-art-methodology, and a modern blended package to provide the complete course for the 21st century adult and young adult learner.

  • Innovative approach to skills development focused on targeted, language-based activities.
  • Information-rich topics and texts immerse adult learners in themes and issues from around the world so that learning English is more relevant
  • Driven by learning outcomes and end goals of adult learners, so that learners can make the most of their time
  • Based on the Oxford 3000™ so learners are only covering the most relevant vocabulary for them
  • Extra supporting videos for teachers from Series Advisor Catherine Walter


Navigate takes an innovative approach to language learning with a state of-the-art syllabus based on the latest research and practical teacher feedback.