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Dictionnaire unilingue en ligne

Prononciation anglaise, définition d'un mot...

Utilisez le dictionnaire unilingue anglais le plus vendu au monde.

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Le meilleur des livres en anglais, pour progresser en anglais et pour lire en VO !

Les méthodes d'apprentissage de l'anglais au collège et au lycée qui sont présentées ici ne sont pas adaptées à l'étude en autodidacte; elles sont conçues pour être utillisés sous la conduite d'un enseignant.

Parents, vous trouverez ici les livres de cours (appelés Student's book ou Course book) et les livres d'exercices (Activity Books) prescrits par l'enseignant de votre enfant.

Enseignants, les Teacher's books, class CDs, flashcards, posters, iTools et autres supports pour vos cours sont présentés dans les produits "Teacher resources". Ou accessibles par le moteur de recherche du site.

Affiner la sélection

  • Think Starter Workbook with Online Practice

    Think Starter Workbook with Online Practice

    Challenge and inspire your teenage learners to think beyond language.

    Think is a vibrant course designed to engage teenage learners and make them think. As well as building students' language skills, it offers a holistic approach to learning: developing their thinking skills, encouraging them to reflect on values and building self-esteem. Topics are chosen to appeal to and challenge teenagers, firing their imagination and ensuring effective learning. This version of the Workbook includes access to the online learning management platform with extra resources and interactive activities. Teachers can use the platform to track students' progress and ensure more effective learning.

    Voir Think Starter Workbook with Online Practice
    36,60 € TTC
    Bientôt disponible
  • Complete First for Schools 2nd Edition Student's Pack without answers (and workbook without answers)

    Complete First for Schools 2nd Edition Student's Pack without answers (and workbook without answers)

    Complete First for Schools is the most thorough preparation for B2 First for Schools.

    Complete Student's Book allows you to maximise students' performance with the Complete approach to language development and exam training. It creates a stimulating learning environment with eye-catching images, easy-to-navigate units and fun topics. Students are able to build confidence through our unique understanding of the exam and insights from previous candidate performance. The Workbook without answers provides further practice of language and vocabulary introduced in the Student's Book. The downloadable Audio contains the listening material which accompanies the Workbook. Downloadable Class Audio containing the Student's Book listening material is provided with the Teacher's Book.

    Voir Complete First for Schools 2nd Edition Student's Pack without answers (and workbook without answers)
    75,95 € TTC
    Bientôt disponible
  • Talent Level 2 Workbook with Online Practice

    Talent Level 2 Workbook with Online Practice

    Every learner has the potential to achieve great things. Talent helps unlock that potential, with a combination of language, life and academic skills and fresh, contemporary topics, preparing students for further study, travel or work; wherever their talent may take them!

    Voir Talent Level 2 Workbook with Online Practice
    19,70 € TTC
    Bientôt disponible
  • Talent Level 2  Student book

    Talent Level 2 Student book

    Every learner has the potential to achieve great things. Talent helps unlock that potential, with a combination of language, life and academic skills and fresh, contemporary topics, preparing students for further study, travel or work; wherever their talent may take them!

    Voir Talent Level 2 Student book
    62,75 € TTC
    Bientôt disponible
  • insight Upper-Intermediate Workbook

    insight Upper-Intermediate Workbook

    The five levels of insight are aimed at students who are studying at A1 to C1 levels. The course content covers everything from the absolute basics of how to pronounce the alphabet and numbers at Elementary Level through to understanding how to apply the complex language skills required in academic and professional situations at Advanced Level.

    Voir insight Upper-Intermediate Workbook
    27,95 € 23,76 € TTC
    Bientôt disponible
  • Ecole Privée Saint Joseph des Carmes

    Ecole Privée Saint Joseph des Carmes

    Elèves du Lycée Saint Joseph de Carmes c'est ici que vous pouvez acheter votre livre de cours.

    Voir Ecole Privée Saint Joseph des Carmes
    0,01 € TTC
    Bientôt disponible
  • Insight: Upper Intermediate Student Book

    Insight: Upper Intermediate Student Book

    insight is a five-level British English course for secondary students that will challenge your students to reach their full potential, develop their understanding and knowledge of language and inspire them to a lifelong love of learning.

    Voir Insight: Upper Intermediate Student Book
    40,95 € TTC
    Bientôt disponible
  • Ressources Supplémentaires pour le Secondaire

    Ressources Supplémentaires pour le Secondaire

    Parents de collégiens ou lycéens, vous trouverez dans la liste ci-dessous des ressources pour aider vos enfants à améliorer leur anglais et se préparer aux examens de Cambridge. 

    Voir Ressources Supplémentaires pour le Secondaire
    0,11 € TTC
    Bientôt disponible
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